Referee Clinic – Entry Level “8” License


The River City Youth Soccer Club (RCYSL) is sponsoring an entry-level clinic for those interested in becoming a Certified Soccer Referee.  Minimum recommended age is 12 years old by September 9, 2017.  The clinic is 18 hours long and is comprised of class work (8), online work (8) and field work (2-4).  There is an online examination that must be passed in order to complete the certification.  All 18 hours must be attended.  Possible make-up options, if any, are at the sole discretion of the Instructor.  The cost is $30.00 per student, and there is a $50.00 certification fee for the U.S. Soccer Federation. RCYSL Referees may be eligible for a waiver of some or all of these fees from RCYSL participating clubs.

Friday, Aug. 11, 2017             6:30-7:30 p.m.             Orientation  – Arden-Dimick Library

August 12-21, 2017                Anytime                      Online & Test – on your own*

Tuesday, Aug. 22, 2017          6:00-9:00 p.m.             Arden-Dimick Library

Wednesday, Aug. 23, 2017    6:00-9:00 p.m.             Arden-Dimick Library

Friday, Aug. 25, 2017             6:00-8:00 p.m.             Field Session – Ashton Park

Tuesday, Aug. 29, 2017          6:00-9:00 p.m.             Arden-Dimick Library

* Online coursework must be completed to obtain your license, but may be done at your convenience as long as it is completed and verified before the last classroom session (be sure to download the Laws of the Game).

Referees should be proud of their contribution to soccer and take their appointments seriously. The basic requirements include: an understanding of the spirit and the letter of the laws; good physical condition; cooperation with fellow officials; an un-biased neutral approach in an emotionally charged environment; and to make the game of soccer enjoyable to play and watch.

Referees are an integral part of the game of soccer. Their primary functions are to enforce the laws of the game and ensure the safety of the players. Referees also:  Apply the advantage clause; Enforce the “offside rule”; Keep a record of the game; Terminate a game if necessary; Caution players guilty of misconduct or unsporting behavior; Stop the game for serious injury; Allow no other person other than players and assistant referees to enter the field of play; Send a player off the field; and, Decide whether all other conditions are appropriate for play including the ball, field of play and player equipment.

If you would like to atttend this Referee Clinic, you must register online at: (class #20792).

Clinic Instructor: Geoff Margolis 916-203-9906 or

See the full flyer in PDF